Saturday, March 26, 2016

God Is Always There (for YOU)

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This is a question that I hear a lot, maybe not directed towards me, but enough people have asked it since the dawn of Christianity that I'm sure we have concrete answer by now. Or at least we should.
A lot of the time, people stammer, turn red, and excuse themselves, but there is a simple answer.

Bad Things happen because of sin. Bad Things is a part of sin, and sin is part of the package of Free Will. You know that thing that lets us think for ourselves?

I think right now I'm writing this post more for me than anyone else. This post is to remind me that even though life can be awful because of what sin has done, God is there to tape back together my tearing heart.

Bad Things are hard to deal with, especially when it's not happening far away. It's easy enough to see kids in Africa or missionaries in Uruguay being persecuted and feel sadness or even be reduced to tears. But it's a lot harder to pull yourself together when it's in your own backyard.

God is always there.

When you feel alone, He is there. He knows your every thought, your every need, and your every heartbeat, He's just waiting for you to give the Okay.

The Okay: /informal/*
1 - When you sit back and see that you need God, and you need Him especially in that moment that you are feeling awful about the Bad Thing.

*This is totally an official term used by tens of of now. 

 Once you give the Okay, He will come sweeping in with His arms wide open. He will be there to tell you that it is okay, you are His first and foremost. No matter what Bad Thing happens, He will always be there to pick you up and hold you close. It doesn't matter if you are a forty year old man, God's going to give you a big hug anyway.

It's all too easy to rely on our own strength, but that's not how God designed us. Our own strength is going to fail, it will never be as strong as the love and peace that God can bring over us.
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1

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