Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The best listener

Hi. I'm here today to say that God answers prayers. He really does!

I try my best to pray every evening. It's become such a habit(the best kind of habit) that I can't fall asleep until I tell God about my day, pray for my family, friends and myself, thank Him for my life, and ask forgiveness for anything I did that wouldn't be right in his eyes and for help to change those attitudes and actions.

But you know what's amazing? (besides the fact that He hears you when you pray)
He hears you when you don't pray too.
He is always listening.
He hears every single thought you have, sees every tear that falls, knows every attitude in your heart, and you know what? He cares. He cares so much that there are probably millions of other people talking to him, and not talking to Him, at the same time and He listens to you. And He listens to them. At the same time. 

I still have trouble comprehending that, but I have seen proof that He does hear me. He does care. He does listen. He knows my heart, knows my thoughts, troubles, worries, praises, everything.
This story might seem a bit ridiculous but it just goes to show that God cares about the little things!

I have a job at some local horse stables. Once a week I go and work for about 2 1/2 hours, cleaning stalls, filling water buckets, sweeping the barn, all that sort of stuff in exchange for a 1 hour riding lesson. Riding is hard work! Let alone having to do the 2 1/2 hours of wheelbarrow hauling, bucket dumping, and stall shoveling in the same day. But I'm not complaining, I love going! But for the past week I have been thinking about how nice it would be to have a day off. Lessons hardly ever get canceled, unless someone is sick or there is extreme weather so I just put it out of my mind. (sort of)

A few days ago the weather started getting stormy. Wind, torrential downpours, the whole lot. Our power even went out briefly one day and several other people lost power the next day. Well, it started to mellow out the day before I was meant to go to the stables, so I resigned to the thought of a rainy day of working outside.

The next morning (the day of the stables) my mom came into my room a little while after I woke up and said that my boss had messaged her to say that lessons were canceled due to the stormy weather and I don't need to come in and work. WAIT WHAT?! I get the day off?!

You guys. God heard me. I didn't even pray and He heard me. He knew I needed a break and so He provided a way! I enjoyed that day doing Bible study, writing some blog posts, working on a personal blog I have, catching up on things and just resting.

I have plenty more stories about how I've seen God answer my prayers but I'll save those for another time.

Until next time, shine like stars in the universe, and fangirl for Jesus.

"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24

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