About Us

Hey hey hey! I see you've clicked on the about page, which probably means you want to know a bit about the girls behind this blog. Unless you clicked on it by accident, in which case I'm still glad you're here.

First of all, we are Christians, and this blog is all about Jesus. But it's not your average Christian blog. We are so excited about God's love and promises and the life that He has given us that we want to share our excitement with whoever is interested! Hence the title "Fangirling For Jesus".

Fangirl: A girl or woman who is an extremely enthusiastic fan of someone or something.

In this case, Jesus.

You are so beautiful. You might be thinking "ummm creepy... You've never even seen me before" Well sure, but I know who created you and He made you perfectly beautiful in every way.
He thought out your entire life and every single thing about you before time began.
He sent his only son to literally die the most painful and humiliating death after being falsely accused and mocked, so that the veil would be torn and we would be free to accept God's forgiveness and live forever with Him in perfect happiness!
Girl, He loves you like crazy!!

I could go on and on forever about how amazing Jesus is(and I plan to) but I would also like to just briefly introduce myself and the other amazing people I share this blog with...

My name is Mary and I'm almost 15. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior quite a few years ago and in recent years I've finally started to live like I love Jesus.
I absolutely LOVE animals, and I'm so glad that God put that in me. I also love gardening. My dream is to have a huge farm in the country someday where I can have farm animals and garden space galore and raise a family of God fearing wonderful little children if that's what God has planned for me :) I just happen to have a blog all about homesteading which you could totally check out, homesteadyourlife.com. Woo Hoo! Free advertising!
Some random stuff you might be curious about is what some of my favorite things are. Or maybe not... I'm gonna tell you anyway ;)
My favorite color is green.
My favorite animal is a cow. And a moose. And a scarlet macaw. And a tiger. And a horse. Pretty much all animals. Except spiders; no spiders for me please.
My favorite shape is a pentagonal dodecahedron.
I could eat Mexican food all day long, along with Italian, and Chinese, and seafood, and american, and thai, and indian.... I pretty much love all food, except celery.
Theres a bit about me. I hope you enjoy this blog! Now get out there and start fangirling for Jesus! But wait! I have a question. Feel free to answer in the comments below... What is your favorite food? I'd really love to know! And now a word from the other beautiful people on this blog...

What's up, homeslice? This is Evangeline speaking, and I am 14.
I am a writer through and through. My entire life revolves around writing! My main goal in life is to bring glory to God through the talents that He has given me. I want to travel the world one day and do everything that seems exciting and amazing, but we'll see if that's what God has in store for me. ;)
I'm going to follow Mary's lead and take part in some free advertising! An Odd Blog is my, you guessed it, blog. I write about my life, fandoms, what I'm writing, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff. I believe that the perfect remedy for anything is a good book and a sunny beach, and of course, prayer. 
My favorite color is blue. My favorite animal is a white tiger. My favorite shape is a star. Watercoloring relaxes me. I am addicted to tea and old books. I may or may not have eaten glue when I was younger. Regularly. I used to believe it was a delicacy
I believe that God shouldn't just be in the church and praying before meals, I believe that He should be in every aspect of your life. Because who are we if not children of God? 

I am Lilly, sister of Mary, friend of Evangeline, and I am OLD. 17 years so. 
I’m the comedian of the bunch (subordinate only to Mary and Evangeline) and I’m pretty much just happy to be on planet earth.
I’ve been a Christian ever since I knew what it meant. I have a great love of biblical theology, apologetic sciences, and lots of other things with fancy names. For instance, Instagram.
I am very passionate about comedy, and film making. (See youtube: Lillywhy, and 841Films)
My idea of a mission trip is going to the grocery store with a smile and a helping heart, ready to pounce at an opportunity to love people towards Jesus. No literal pouncing is ever involved though, I don’t think my knees could take it.
I really hope you enjoy the blog. :) And please leave comments, we love comments! 

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