Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Every Star In the Sky

Tonight the sky is clear and everything is beautiful and crisp. The moon is full, shining amongst the sea of stars, wisps of cloud curling around the pinpricks of diamond light.

Whenever I look up at the sky on nights like these, I am reminded of how magnificent our God is. The beauty of this world is such a good testament to how wonderful He is. Don't mind me while I kind of freak out. I mean, the very same God that made misty mornings in a perfectly green forest loves us. The very same God that created the sun to shine with warmth and the moon to shine with cold created the families that we are a part of. He has a purpose for everything, and we are included in that everything.
He knows every star in the sky, just like He knows every hair on our head. He is so gracious and forgiving towards us when we sin. He always welcomes us back with open arms.

God has so much in store for us, and He is going to be there every step of the way, if we let Him.

He created space an the stars and the sky for us. He created this entire world for us to live in. He listens to us when we're praying and even when we're not. He loves us so much that He was willing to die for people that had sinned and were filthy compared to the glory that He is. It's amazing to think that He calls us Chosen, Loved, Freed, Forgiven. We are His children!!

God is so good.
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1

Monday, May 9, 2016

Growing in Your Faith

My grandma has this fun saying that she uses for especially slow cars and people, "If they were going any slower, they'd be going backwards." 
This is relevant to the post, I promise.
There is a passage I've discovered recently that's speakin' to my soul, yo. It is 2 Peter 1:5-9, which says this. 

"5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins."

I love this. Every now and then I sit down and reevaluate my life to figure out how I'm doing as a person, and what I need to do next. Sometimes it's obvious to me how I need to become more Christ-like, and sometimes it's not. That's one of the most frustrating things; knowing how far you have to go but having no idea how to make it there. 
But low and behold, Peter comes along 2,000 years before I needed him and wrote just what I needed for times like these. Let's summarize and apply! Not unlike the process of a makeup tutorial! Is that a good comparison to be using for this subject? Let's roll with it. ;)
This passage is essentially giving you a step by step guide on how to become more and more like Jesus. It's like a placement test. "Do you know God's word? Consider some self-control."
I have to say I appreciate how straight-to-the-point this is. 
And I had to look up what 'mutual affection' meant, it means harmony between people, especially in sympathy. You could change mutual affection out for patience and understanding with brothers and sisters in Christ. The word mutual is there, so I'm guessing the person with which you are in mutual affection must be as mature in Christ as you are. It's just kind of explaining that you'll be able to have better relationships with people, especially with those who have also grown in Christ a great amount. A reminder that I have so far to go. :'D But I love the challenge. 
"For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
INCREASING MEASURE, are our keywords here ladies and gentlemen. 
I think this is my problem. I go through growth spurts as I will call them from now on, where I make a good amount of spiritual progress, and then I think, "Good, well I think I've earned a break." Sometimes I treat my faith like a project that can be put aside when I want to focus on other things; I have to constantly remind myself that it's the most important project that I will ever take part in, and that I should really be putting more time into it. Kind of like college. Except I don't have plans to go to college, so that's not completely relevant.
But that break is when I start sliding backwards, becoming ineffective and unproductive. If I'm not constantly reading God's word, I forget it. If I take a break from being patient for only a day, I forget why I was using so much effort being patient in the first place. And I literally become ineffective, because I'm not being God's 5,000 candlepower flashlight to the world like I'm supposed to be. I start living for myself, which is dangerous, because I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I shouldn't be my own boss. 
This is just a great reminder that if it's not for the glory of the Lord, then what's the point.
And the last verse which I adore, "But whoever does not have [the qualities listed before] is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins."
So clearly humans are very forgetful. How do you forget that you're a clean slate once you're saved!? That's like forgetting the Alamo!!! Oh good gracious, I've forgotten what the Alamo was about...
Remember Calvary. With Jesus, Christians are like the blackboard of the future; say the word and the Lord makes you new, again and again. <3
What I take away personally from all this is that if you're not trying to be more like Jesus, you forget about Jesus. 
It's so easy to forget. 
Now, fly you fools, and be effective and productive.

Friday, May 6, 2016

I am content.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13

Content: Held; quiet; not disturbed; having a mind at peace; easy; satisfied; to make easy in any situation; to make quiet, so as to stop complaint or opposition; rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition; satisfaction which holds the mind in peace, restraining complaint, opposition, or further desire, and often implying a moderate degree of happiness;

A little while ago I would have said that being content is hard, especially with all my dreams of having a huge farm and a little cabin that are unachievable at the moment. But recently I've felt a contentment like no contentment I've ever felt before.

I have my goals and dreams that I am sure God put on my heart for His perfect plan for my life, and I'm working towards those goals and dreams every day. But before, I would make a plan and then realize that maybe an aspect of it wasn't possible because I didn't have enough money or enough space, then I would start to wish that we lived on a bigger piece of property or I had more money to work with, and I was frustrated that I didn't have those things.

But just within the last couple weeks a gradual change has come over my heart and I've realized that I am content and there is no reason not to be content. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21. Anything else God has given us besides our life is an extra blessing because He loves us that much. He put me in the perfect family for me. He gave me a great house to live in that's warm and dry and it's really nice. He made sure the house would have a good size yard so that I could start pursuing the dreams that He put on my heart, by giving me enough space for a huge garden and a chicken coop and a rabbit shed. He gave my dad an awesome job so that he can provide for my family and help me pay for my animal and garden endeavors. My grandparents live right next door to us and I can visit them whenever I want. I am surrounded by an amazing circle of friends and family who love me and are helping me learn and grow. The list goes on and on!

I've also realized that my relationship with God has been growing stronger and stronger and I am constantly thinking about Him and talking to Him and thanking Him and in return He is like "Mary, I love you so much. I'm gonna help you achieve your goals and make you content wherever you are." and I'm like "Wow! Thank you Lord! I'm so happy! And now I understand the secret to being content, just like Paul understood in prison. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."

I'm content. I'm at peace. I am held by the creator of the universe. I am satisfied. I am happy. Life is a wonderful thing that God has given us to live, and as long as we have Him, we have everything we could ever need.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What is Obedience?

“If you love me, keep my commands."
John 14:15
For a long time, I believed that obedience meant that I had to follow what someone wanted me to do. If my mother didn't want me near a hot stove and so I stepped away when she told me to, that was obedience, right? Wrong.
What I didn't realize, was that obedience was so much more.


1. To submit to the direction or control of. 
2. To conform in action and deed to.
3. To yield to. 
1. To resign or surrender to the power, will or authority of another.
2. To yield without murmuring.


1. To live according to.
2. To comply with or yield to.
3. To act as.

See? Obedience doesn't just mean that we do something (though that is part of it). It means that we are called, by God, to let go of what we want and listen to what He wants. True obedience also includes not grumbling or complaining, because then we wouldn't be truly submitting our will to God. True obedience means that we are not only supposed to follow the "rules", but do so every single day. We are to LIVE obedience, not just do it one time. 

Obedience means acting as. Not just following what God says, but acting as God would. Obeying God means truly sacrificing our flesh, laying down our sin, and acting as He would. 

Obedience is so important in a relationship with God. It shows Him that we are trusting Him enough to follow His will for us. A lot of people think obedience is about fearing God, but it's really a relationship of love. Loving Him and trusting Him.

I can hear what you're saying. "Obedience seems impossible! How could I ever do all of this?" Okay, maybe that's just me I hear, but there is a way!

Not only will God be at your side the whole time you're trying to figure it out, but He will take your hand and show you what to do and how to obey Him, how to practice true obedience in your life. God says that, through Him, all things are possible. No matter how impossible it can feel, God knows how to carry it into completion. 
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Peace from Jesus

"All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:25-27

I have heard this verse before but when I read it today I just sat back, smiled, and thought "wow"
This is Jesus talking. He is preparing his disciples for when He is going to die on the cross. Leaving them final instructions and promises, but not just for them, for everyone there after who believes and trusts God. Earlier in the chapter He promises to leave them the holy spirit, and then in this verse He explains what the Holy Spirit will do.

The Counselor, the Holy Spirit will teach us all things. He will remind us of everything Jesus has said. He will guide us, prompt us, and work in us to become the righteous children of God that He already calls us and sees us as. He will help us through everything, every decision, attitude, and action.


But you guys, I looked up the meaning of peace a while back and guess what it means...
"the happiness of heaven."
Jesus is saying "my happiness of heaven I leave with you; my happiness of heaven I give to you"
He doesn't give as the world gives.
I was confused about this for a while, like when the bible talks about the world giving you things or "do not conform to the patterns of this world" what does that even mean? Then while doing a bible study I finally understood. "The world" means satan. Which makes total sense because this world is satan's domain. He is always looking for someone to conform to this world or turn away from God's teachings. But with Jesus, we don't have to give a second thought about satan! We have the Holy Spirit to lead us!

Satan can only promise temporary pleasures that will leave you worse off than you were before. Jesus gives us real perfect peace and happiness that will last forever.

Jesus goes on to say "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Trouble means "Disturbance of mind; agitation; commotion of spirits; perplexity; affliction; calamity; molestation; inconvenience; annoyance; uneasiness; vexation;"

Do not let your hearts be troubled *violent hand motions trying to explain my point*
Do not let your hearts be disturbed, agitated, perplexed, uneasy, annoyed and all the other things!

And do not be afraid.

"Appressed with fear or apprehension; fearful."

Do not be afraid.

Jesus gives us the happiness of heaven so we don't need to be troubled or afraid.
He gives us the Holy spirit to guide us through life both now and forevermore.

Monday, April 4, 2016

God-Given Creativity

It's on nights like these (it's night right now) that I can't help but marvel at God's handiwork. For a long time I have been fascinated by the sky, marveling at God's beautiful creation. Stars and clouds and the moon have always been a big part of my love for the world. I believe that we are so lucky to be able to look up at the sky, and instead of seeing just empty blackness swirling on into forever, we see a deep blue with pinpricks of diamonds shining throughout.
It is beautiful.

God is so amazing to have designed all of this. He is so creative, it's insane. Look at the world around you, and I mean really look. He designed all of that down to the very last micro-organism. So do you think that He would want you to waste your creativity?

I know, this just took an unexpected turn! But stay with me for just a little longer.

The same God that created all of that beauty, the stars, the sky, the world around us, is the God that put a spark of creativity in you. Whether it be painting, singing, writing, baking, etc, you are a creative human being. You were meant to use that creativity for a purpose. So when you look at the gift that God gave you with disdain or disgust, that's like saying a painting that someone gave you is garbage just because you don't like one small thing about it.

Believe me when I say that I do this all the time. It's hard to look at oneself and be proud of what you have created, but we have those talents for a reason, and to waste them would be a shame.

We alone are made in the image of God, we alone are given a specific talent to use to praise God and do what He has in store for us. If He made the stars, and we are made to be like Him, then aren't we expected to make our own stars? Our own bit of beauty to add to life?

Don't waste your talents or look at them with disgust, but use your hands, voice, or whatever gift you have, to bring glory to God, to use the talents He gave you, and to make stars.
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The best listener

Hi. I'm here today to say that God answers prayers. He really does!

I try my best to pray every evening. It's become such a habit(the best kind of habit) that I can't fall asleep until I tell God about my day, pray for my family, friends and myself, thank Him for my life, and ask forgiveness for anything I did that wouldn't be right in his eyes and for help to change those attitudes and actions.

But you know what's amazing? (besides the fact that He hears you when you pray)
He hears you when you don't pray too.
He is always listening.
He hears every single thought you have, sees every tear that falls, knows every attitude in your heart, and you know what? He cares. He cares so much that there are probably millions of other people talking to him, and not talking to Him, at the same time and He listens to you. And He listens to them. At the same time. 

I still have trouble comprehending that, but I have seen proof that He does hear me. He does care. He does listen. He knows my heart, knows my thoughts, troubles, worries, praises, everything.
This story might seem a bit ridiculous but it just goes to show that God cares about the little things!

I have a job at some local horse stables. Once a week I go and work for about 2 1/2 hours, cleaning stalls, filling water buckets, sweeping the barn, all that sort of stuff in exchange for a 1 hour riding lesson. Riding is hard work! Let alone having to do the 2 1/2 hours of wheelbarrow hauling, bucket dumping, and stall shoveling in the same day. But I'm not complaining, I love going! But for the past week I have been thinking about how nice it would be to have a day off. Lessons hardly ever get canceled, unless someone is sick or there is extreme weather so I just put it out of my mind. (sort of)

A few days ago the weather started getting stormy. Wind, torrential downpours, the whole lot. Our power even went out briefly one day and several other people lost power the next day. Well, it started to mellow out the day before I was meant to go to the stables, so I resigned to the thought of a rainy day of working outside.

The next morning (the day of the stables) my mom came into my room a little while after I woke up and said that my boss had messaged her to say that lessons were canceled due to the stormy weather and I don't need to come in and work. WAIT WHAT?! I get the day off?!

You guys. God heard me. I didn't even pray and He heard me. He knew I needed a break and so He provided a way! I enjoyed that day doing Bible study, writing some blog posts, working on a personal blog I have, catching up on things and just resting.

I have plenty more stories about how I've seen God answer my prayers but I'll save those for another time.

Until next time, shine like stars in the universe, and fangirl for Jesus.

"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24