Saturday, April 23, 2016

What is Obedience?

“If you love me, keep my commands."
John 14:15
For a long time, I believed that obedience meant that I had to follow what someone wanted me to do. If my mother didn't want me near a hot stove and so I stepped away when she told me to, that was obedience, right? Wrong.
What I didn't realize, was that obedience was so much more.


1. To submit to the direction or control of. 
2. To conform in action and deed to.
3. To yield to. 
1. To resign or surrender to the power, will or authority of another.
2. To yield without murmuring.


1. To live according to.
2. To comply with or yield to.
3. To act as.

See? Obedience doesn't just mean that we do something (though that is part of it). It means that we are called, by God, to let go of what we want and listen to what He wants. True obedience also includes not grumbling or complaining, because then we wouldn't be truly submitting our will to God. True obedience means that we are not only supposed to follow the "rules", but do so every single day. We are to LIVE obedience, not just do it one time. 

Obedience means acting as. Not just following what God says, but acting as God would. Obeying God means truly sacrificing our flesh, laying down our sin, and acting as He would. 

Obedience is so important in a relationship with God. It shows Him that we are trusting Him enough to follow His will for us. A lot of people think obedience is about fearing God, but it's really a relationship of love. Loving Him and trusting Him.

I can hear what you're saying. "Obedience seems impossible! How could I ever do all of this?" Okay, maybe that's just me I hear, but there is a way!

Not only will God be at your side the whole time you're trying to figure it out, but He will take your hand and show you what to do and how to obey Him, how to practice true obedience in your life. God says that, through Him, all things are possible. No matter how impossible it can feel, God knows how to carry it into completion. 
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1

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