Monday, April 4, 2016

God-Given Creativity

It's on nights like these (it's night right now) that I can't help but marvel at God's handiwork. For a long time I have been fascinated by the sky, marveling at God's beautiful creation. Stars and clouds and the moon have always been a big part of my love for the world. I believe that we are so lucky to be able to look up at the sky, and instead of seeing just empty blackness swirling on into forever, we see a deep blue with pinpricks of diamonds shining throughout.
It is beautiful.

God is so amazing to have designed all of this. He is so creative, it's insane. Look at the world around you, and I mean really look. He designed all of that down to the very last micro-organism. So do you think that He would want you to waste your creativity?

I know, this just took an unexpected turn! But stay with me for just a little longer.

The same God that created all of that beauty, the stars, the sky, the world around us, is the God that put a spark of creativity in you. Whether it be painting, singing, writing, baking, etc, you are a creative human being. You were meant to use that creativity for a purpose. So when you look at the gift that God gave you with disdain or disgust, that's like saying a painting that someone gave you is garbage just because you don't like one small thing about it.

Believe me when I say that I do this all the time. It's hard to look at oneself and be proud of what you have created, but we have those talents for a reason, and to waste them would be a shame.

We alone are made in the image of God, we alone are given a specific talent to use to praise God and do what He has in store for us. If He made the stars, and we are made to be like Him, then aren't we expected to make our own stars? Our own bit of beauty to add to life?

Don't waste your talents or look at them with disgust, but use your hands, voice, or whatever gift you have, to bring glory to God, to use the talents He gave you, and to make stars.
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1

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