Monday, March 14, 2016

5 Reasons Why: Being a Christian is Awesome

Sometimes people can look at Christianity and just see a bunch of do's and don'ts, rules to follow, and boring Bible Studies that take forever.

That's not the whole picture.

Being a Christian is actually pretty awesome! There is so much to be gained and so much that changes when you give your life to God.

1 - Permanent Best Friend
Literally. God becomes your permanent bestie. You can talk to Him about anything and know that He is always listening. He won't judge you, laugh at you, or embarrass you about what you're saying. He'll take your hand and help you. When I'm doing the dishes or cleaning my room or even falling asleep, I'll start praying. Not the traditional prayer that people usually think of, but just talking to the One who created me, telling Him about my day, my struggles, and anything that might have happened. He wants to hear all that!!

2 - Community
I am a socially awkward person. Not as much as I used to be, but still a cringe-worthy amount. I have never made friends easily or been the one that people flock to. By finding other families that are going down the same path as my family is, friends have become like sisters, I don't feel awkward around them (which is a big deal for me), and I feel like they're my second family.  It's amazing how God can bring people together!!

3 - Bible Studies
Bible Studies are kind of the greatest. They're so fun! Not only do I get to find out what God has in store for me, but I learn so much and feel so at peace while doing so. The happiness and tranquility that I have felt while reading my Bible or doing a word study is pretty cool.
There are so many different ways to have a Bible study, so it never feels old or boring. You can do so much cool stuff to get excited for Bible studies, like buy awesome pens, highlighters, and notebooks.
Through Bible studies, you can learn that God calls us blessed, forgiven, victorious, a conqueror, and so much more.

4 - Music
The music is so great!! I'm not just talking from a Christian point of view, I'm talking from an objective perspective. I have never found swearing or inappropriate lyrics fun to sing-a-long with. They made me uncomfortable, so when I found that Christian music didn't have that stuff, but it was still super catchy and fun to sing, then I was on board!

I've had several people tell me that even though they're not Christians, they have several CDs of Christian artists purely because the music is so fun! 
Jamie Grace is one of my favorites, as well as Britt Nicole. 

5 - Reassurance 
I think every girl struggles with feeling beautiful at one point or another, some never stop. I had a hard time with my self-confidence for a while because I thought that I was ugly and unwanted. But God tells me otherwise.
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
The knowledge that God loved me and made me exactly the way I am for a reason gave me all the self-confidence that I needed or will ever need. He wouldn't make something unless He was proud of it and loved it, and guess what? He made ME. He made YOU. No matter what, I can be assured that God loves me and that, in Him, I am beautiful. In Him, I have an amazing future.

Being a Christian is awesome.
"Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens." - Psalm 8:1


  1. "He wouldn't make something unless He was proud of it and loved it, and guess what? He made ME. He made YOU."

    Wow, thank you for that. I really needed to hear that! Body image issues and confidence are my current struggles, and I've been repeating that Psalm 139 verse to myself lately. It truly is wonderful to be a Christian!

    1. Hi Erin! It makes me so happy that God spoke through us to you! Psalm 139 is an amazing chapter.
      I don't think there is anyone out there who hasn't struggled with their confidence or body-image(myself included, still working on that too). But We ARE fearfully and wonderfully made!! You are beautiful, I am beautiful, everyone is beautiful, because God created you/me/them. :D
      You might have read these verses before but I just love 1 Peter 3:3-4 and Proverbs 31:30. Those ones are such great reminders that what God is looking for is the beauty in your heart.
      And I agree wholeheartedly. Being a Christian is the best.

    2. I will check out those passages! It is so true that inner beauty is what never fades. :) Thanks again for writing this!
